2 hours, Half Day
Grades 3 and up
Adult Learners/Teacher Professional Development
Learn the basics of how to bring setting, situations and characters to life using voice, face, and body. Learn how to ground yourself and be present at all times.
Also learn unique pneumonic devices to know your story, rather than memorize verbatim. Use visualization and kinesthetic/dramatic techniques to bookmark major narrative events in the tale.
Where, When, What, Who, Why: Writing in Triangles
1 hour x 2 groups per half day or 4 groups per full day
Grades K and up
Adult Learners/Teacher Professional Development
We begin with setting by recognizing it as the most important element/choice in any given story. We write the setting in the middle of the triangle (or draw it for younger learners) then move on to explore many possible actions to fit the setting, playing them out through drama or writing them out in quick writes. The group then choose three actions they’re most interested in for each of the three points of the triangle. These actions are not connected to any character as of yet. In this way character it chosen to drive the action of the story. When we being with the “WHO” young writers get caught up in character sketches and often end up with a list of actions for the main character, getting trapped in the “and then” problem.
We take a look at the three chosen actions and decide which one would create the problem in the story, which one would solve the problem and by default, which one would introduce the story.
Once the Beginning, Middle and End have been decided we are able to make the final choice about character including how many are required. Perhaps it’s a single character’s journey or it might be two groups or even three separate characters. The important reality is that the characters are chosen to serve the narrative which will, undoubtedly and surprisingly lead young writers to choosing more well-rounded characters than if they’d started with “Who.” A lively discussion about why these characters are essential to driving the story is the final step.
May be subsidized by the Manitoba Arts Council, Artists in Schools Program for residencies of 2 weeks or more.
- One week Residency (Includes one full day of performances and up to 8 groups): $1,800
Storytelling Skills Residency or
Writing in Triangles Residency or
A combination of both
- Two week Residency in playwriting (Includes time spent prep. writing): $4,000
Many schools have elected to work with Leigh-Anne to create unique Winter and Spring concerts. Collaboration with the music teacher is welcome and encouraged.
Past Titles include:
Sesota King of the Snakes: A unique twist on a Ugandan Folktale
Carly and the Fame Factory: Based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Fractured: The females rescue the males in this collection of twisted takes on popular fairytales
The Wizard of Odd: What does it take to stand up for yourself and be unique in a world where everyone complies to the standards of the wicked witch?
$250 per half day (Teacher PD $400)
$400 per full day (Teacher PD $600)